Editing Guide

Fixing the Text
  1. Circle all instances of “you,” “your,” “yours,” “yourself,” etc. Delete them and rewrite the sentences so that no vague words appear.
  2. Circle all subjects; put a box around all verbs; check for agreement and tense errors.
  3. Check that all of your pronouns agree in number with the nouns they represent.
    And be sure the pronoun cannot possibly represent two different nouns.
  4. and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so: use commas with coordinating conjunctions (SV, and SV.)
    • The oak tree in the front yard fell on the roof, so we will have to move.
    • Gulliver set his alarm for 6:00 AM, yet he still managed to get stuck in traffic.
  5. however, therefore, instead (vs.) although, because, whereas
    • The oak tree in the front yard fell on the roof; therefore, we will have to move.
    • Because the oak tree in the front yard fell on the roof, we will have to move.
    • Gulliver set his alarm for 6:00 AM; nevertheless, he managed to get stuck in traffic.
    • Although Gulliver set his alarm for 6:00 AM, he still managed to get stuck in traffic.
  6. introductory clauses and phrases (comma before the subject) (Intro, SV.)
    • With no roof to keep the rain out, our house needs serious repair.
    • Whereas GSC offers a personal environment, UGA is more socially challenging.
Errors to avoid
  1. Any form of the lazy cliche “As I said before” or “In summary” or “In conclusion”
  2. “This” and “that” used by itself as a pronoun (especially as a subject)
    • This shows that I needed to sleep more often.
    • That was the worst day of my high school career.
    • Mr. Clark proved this to me in sixth grade.
    • I believed that for a long time.
  3. “it” used as a subject
    • Confusing: It is scary to walk in the dark.
    • Clear: Walking in the dark frightens me.
  4. “By doing this . . . it will improve”
    • Confusing: By Mr. Horton reviewing my outline, it will help me improve my paper.
    • Clear: By reviewing my outline, Mr. Horton will help me improve my paper.
  5. dangling modifiers
    • Confusing: As a GSC college student, textbooks are expensive.
    • Clear: As a GSC college student, I spend a lot of money on textbooks.
MLA Formatting
  1. Use 1” margins
  2. Use 12 pt. Times New Roman font
  3. Double-space the text
  4. Put last name and page number in upper right header.
  5. Use four-line heading on first page
  6. Leave out extra spaces between paragraphs or around title
  7. Are all sources cited, either in the sentence itself or in parentheses?
  8. Double-check the punctuation of your citations in the text.
  9. On Works Cited page, center the title Works Cited at the top (no italics).
  10. Put works cited entries in alphabetical order and double-spaced.