- Use your UNG email account
- Start with a new message instead of replying to an old email message
- Put a clear and proper title in the subject line
Structure the content your email message in a professional way
- Use a respectful salutation
- Immediately say what class you are in, indicating the day and time it meets
- Make your message as clear and concise as possible
- State your problem or interest
- Ask a question that is relevant to that problem or interest
- Justify the question (why do you need an answer)
- Request a response (if you need one)
- Express genuine gratitude
- Type your full name after saying “Sincerely” or “Regards,” etc.
Before you send the email, save it as a draft so you can check over it
- Only ask questions that are not otherwise answered in the course materials
- Polished grammar is a must; use complete sentences and complete words
- Your entire message should give an impression of consideration and care
- Email is NOT an informal means of communicating with a teacher
Reasons to email (know your rhetorical situation)
- Alert your teacher about an absence
- Request an office appointment by detailing all of your free times
- Ask a question about some of the course material that is confusing you
- Share something of interest that is relevant to a recent class meeting
- Express thanks for an appointment you had with your teacher
- Apologize for something inappropriate or irresponsible you might have done
Important considerations
- Use email with your teacher in a way that follows the course policies
- When you email or visit a teacher, your demeanor says a lot about your character
- Credibility is an image that you project to another person
- Deference is generally an effective strategy when communicating with a teacher